Monday, March 2, 2009

Whatever it takes...

That is a dangerous prayer to pray! It sounds very good, but if you think about it, you are giving God permission to do whatever He NEEDS to do in order to change you into the person He created you to be, not necessarily in the way YOU WANT to change. Wow! But in order to have true revival, to have an awesome God-encounter, that is exactly what needs to happen.
I say that I want to see God's power in my everyday life. I say that I want to be used of God and to have an exciting, abundant life sold out to Him, but am I really willing to pay the price?? What if he asks me to sell all of my belongings, or say or do something that might make me look foolish? What if I step out, and get it all wrong?

Fear, Pride and Distractions.
Three companions that have been by my side my entire life. Three things that keep me bound up and ineffective. Three things that I am sick and tired of feeling lurking over my shoulder. Three chains that bind my feet, my hands and my mouth keeping me stationary, frustrated and unfulfilled. Three besetting sins that have kept me from more of God for far too long...
Well, enough! Break them Lord!!! I am giving you permission! Set me free to do Your will in my life! Thank you Jesus!! Replace them with supernatural Faith, Humility and Focus on You! Help me to seek first Your Kingdom, then all of these things...signs and wonders, provision, joy, peace, miracles, life abundantly...will be added. Amen!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Wanted: a good friend

Now don't let this title fool you, I have a couple of good friends. But they are all far away. And my one friend, who is far away, but it never felt far when we talked on the phone, I feel like I have lost. I don't handle change very well, I know this about me. I especially can't cope when the core being of someone I thought I knew so well, changes and I can't relate anymore. I know this is all very vague, and I apologize. I am just trying not to be too specific in case she happens to read this blog (which I doubt) as I don't want to hurt her feelings. Anyway, one thing I have figured out about me, is that I search out friendships like most people hunt for a mate. Maybe I am being too picky. But is it too much to ask to have a friend that lives relatively close by, believes in the same God I do, is close to my age and doesn't party like a teenager?? I am not saying that they have to be perfect, I certainly am not. I have been going to the same church for almost 7 years now and I am not close friends with anyone sad is that!? People have told me that I come across as stuck up, but I am just quiet at first until you get to know me, then watch out!! LOL. Maybe I am just feeling lonely and bored because Mike is sacked out on the couch, and I have to work the next 2 days. I miss the girls on my old was crappy work, but it was a great atmosphere. So here I sit, blogging about my lack of close friendships and adding friends like crazy on Myspace and Facebook....*sigh* sad am I?

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day!!

Mike and I had an amazing Valentine's Day...he cooked me a very impressive (and yummy) meal of Surf and Turf...steak, lobster, asparagus and baked potato, and it was delicious. He also got me "Nights in Rodanthe" the movie, which we did attempt to watch, but didn't, ahem...make it through if you know what I mean... ;) Anyway, we had a great Valentine's Day topped off with chocolate covered strawberries for dessert. We are SO blessed, and I thank God everyday for my AMAZING husband! Here are some pics from our Valentine's photo shoot...don't worry, it's not what you're!
Mike the Chef...

Sweet Valentine's Dinner

Valentine's pictures...

Dessert and gifts!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

today's scrapbook page

I'm here...again

Ok, so I started another blog, spurred on by my husband's decision to write to the cyber world. Actually, I had a blog a long time ago, I don't even remember the name, all I remember is that in the 2 or 3 posts, I mostly complained about my have a whole new list of complaints! No really, I am going to try not to vent (too much) through this blog, as that gets kind of tedious for you all, reading someone else's complaints day after day...ugh...who would want to do that? So hopefully my posts will be a little bit more inspired this time around (hence the new name). Also, I will use this spot to post my latest and greatest creations of the scrapbook variety. That's about it for now, I can think of a whole host of new things to write about, but they are all on the negative side...God help me - so here I sit once again...still praying...